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Eco-printing on Cellulose Fiber

  • 11 July 2025
  • 12 July 2025
  • 2 sessions
  • 11 July 2025, 10:00 AM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • 12 July 2025, 10:00 AM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • 408 Depot Street, Asheville NC 28801
  • 5



Eco-printing is a contact printing technique. Leaves are placed over mordanted fiber and rolled tightly in a bundle. Next boiling or steaming the bundle transfers the tannins from within the leaves to the fiber.

Beginner level.  First day: Instruction on pre treatment ,scouring and mordanting cellulose fiber. We will mordant rayon scarves to be used on the second day of class. Discussion on leaves regarding tannin and storage. Technique for testing how much tannin is in a particular botanical prior to use in eco-print bundle.  End the first day with eco-printing a test sample of leaves flowers that you are considering to use on cotton strip.

Second day. First bundle demonstrates the technique of folding larger pieces in half that produce minimal center lines. Color dye carrier blankets will be used to transfer color over our leaf and fabric bundle. The second print will be on a rayon scarf 14”x 72. The dye we will be using is Procion fiber reactive dye. The carrier dye blankets are cotton fabric that has been washed several times. You can use old cotton sheets. I find that the dye blankets themselves are very beautiful and I end up saving them for other uses.  Example: Quilts, linings and art works. I like to use white off white or natural Kona cotton. There will be instruction on how to read your print results and adjust length of time in steamer. 

Level: Beginners 

Instructor: Denise Arcuri  (Read Denise's bio)

Non-member: $240

Member: $200

Materials fee: $45 (to be collected day of class)

Materials provided by instructor: Mordants, dyes, cellulose fabric, written instruction

Materials to bring to class:  Gloves (thin medical exam gloves), Apron, Plastic spray bottle with 50% vinegar and 50% water, 2 wooden dowels 1 1/4 to 1 1/2“ diameter by 15” length. (Lowe’s/ home depo will cut to size) White/  off white or natural cotton fabric 21/2 yds or old cotton sheets. Wash cotton several times.  Micron pen can be bought Walmart, Joanns, Staples ( needs to be water resistant) Two old small kitchen towel sized rags, Rubber bands, Empty plastic gallon jug from water or vinegar (we will fill them with water to aid in making tighter fabric bundles ) Some Leaves will be provided ,however bring some of your own to experiment and share.

LEAVES THAT PRINT WELL: Maple, oak, any hard wood tree leaves Fruit tree leaves Rose Marigold petals Oak leaf hydrangeas Smoke bush Coreopsis, Pretty leaves that act more as a resist when using color dye blankets that leave interesting shapes Tulip tree leaves Kudzu Ginkgo Sassafras.

Learn about our COVID policy here: Workshop Policies

Physical Address:

408 Depot Street, #100 | Asheville, NC 28801

Mailing Address:

30 N. College Street | Weaverville, NC 28787

828.774.5134 |

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